Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner has confirmed access will be re-opened to Moreton Island this weekend under the State Government’s recovery road map.
The island, which is part of Brisbane City Council, will be accessible to tourists for day trips only from midnight this Friday.
“This is an important step in supporting local businesses and also residents who rely on shops and services on the island for income,” Cr Schrinner said.
“Given the nature of the island, it will be particularly vital that visitors continue to practice social distancing and hygiene requirements after the restrictions have eased.
“Traditional custodians and a range of other stakeholders were consulted on Friday and over the weekend and we have been advised by Queensland Health that it is safe to re-open access. Overnight stays will not be permitted.
“There will be strict enforcement by Queenslander Police Service officers to ensure there is compliance to the directives in place including maintaining a 1.5 metre distance from others and not congregating in groups of more than 10 outside and 5 indoors.
“This is great news for the island’s business community and residents and also the businesses that service the island, such as barges.”
Queensland Health has advised that access will also be open to other islands, including North Stradbroke Island.
They have advised that depending on the success of the re-opening of the islands, in terms of coronavirus transmission figures, the islands will re-open for overnight stays by the July school holidays.
St Helena, Mud and Green Islands in Moreton Bay remain accessible for those who wish to go to the islands for fishing or other recreational activities.
[Ends] 15 MAY, 2020