Keperra Compounding Pharmacy
Keperra Compounding Pharmacy
Business Phone

We make medication to order in our two compounding labs. From paediatric medications like omeprazole and Melatonin to Menopause medication customised to the individual.
Popular medications are Omeprazole, Melatonin, Thyroid hormones, male and female hormones, Pain Relief, Skin treatments for pigmentation disorders cars treatments and eczema medication, hair loss, weight loss, auto immune treatments like LDN, PEA as well as Vet medications for cats and dogs, birds and exotics.
We also make medications that are out of stock in your normal pharmacy, or medications that are available overseas but not in Australia.
Keperra Compounding Pharmacy also has a medicinal cannabis clinic and works with patients interested in trying this approach to chronic conditions. Our pharmacy is located next to a medical centre that specialises in these treatments.

10 Dallas Parade, 4054