From July 1, Brisbane City Council tip vouchers will go to every household, rates, fees and parking costs and will be frozen and residents can get their hands on a bigger bin for free.

Across the board there has been a hold on charges to help Brisbane businesses and residents as we continue to face the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

Deputy Mayor Krista Adams said the 2020-21 Budget had been carefully crafted so it delivered an investment in infrastructure to deliver jobs and local supplier opportunities while also putting money back into the pockets of residents, businesses and community groups that suffered during the coronavirus crisis and need relief.

“Traditionally, July 1 would mean increases in everything from rates to business fees and charges, but that is not the case this year,” Cr Adams said.

“For the first time in 35 years ratepayers will enjoy a six-month rates freeze and further, for those doing it even more tough, a one-off owner-occupier $250 rates rebate will be available for JobSeeker recipients.

“This rates freeze will provide financial support and ease the stress for more than half a million residential and commercial ratepayers.

“The economic impacts of coronavirus have been like nothing we have ever experienced before, including the GFC and the 2011 floods, and our annual Budget has taken a hit of more than $140 million.

“Despite this loss of revenue, we recognise the pain people are feeling from coronavirus isn’t over, so we are committed to providing financial relief to the people who need it most.

“Our business relief package which waives a range of business fees and charges was due to conclude on June 30 but will now be extended until the end of this year.

“The extension of this business relief package means no business will be required to pay fees and charges for footpath and outdoor dining, food safety permits, commercial river moorings, advertising, temporary food stalls, commercial lease rents, commercial stalls, booths, and stands and lease fees for community organisations will also not be collected.

“This administration will stand by businesses and help them through the challenges of coronavirus, and we will do everything we can to support them through this extraordinary time.”

Cr Adams said July 1 would also mean residents can access some green freebies that would help them do their part to keep Brisbane clean, green and sustainable.

“For the first time, this financial year all residents will receive free waste vouchers regardless of if they rent or own a property,” Cr Adams said.

 “From Wednesday a pack of 10 waste vouchers, worth $127, will be posted to 192,000 tenanted properties with a further 298,000 vouchers to be sent to owner-occupiers as part of their rates notice.

“From July 1 residents can also contact Council and request a bigger yellow top recycling bin and green top bin for no upfront cost or apply for a rebate of up to $70 per household for a compost bin or worm farm.”

For more information visit or call 3403 8888.